Photos of the characters in DOC

A reader just got in touch to complain that there were no photos of the characters in the novel DOC. She’s probably used to nonfiction biographies that include photos. However, there are a number of photos on this website. Click BOOKS, click DOC, then Historical...

In Memoriam: the ideal of American equality

American Equality died this week at the United Airlines gate C-26 at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. Equality had been in a decline for a number of years. It is survived by Red Carpet Elite, First Class, Business Class, Premier Platinum, Premier Gold, 100K...

Going west!

A Texas reader recently got in touch about Doc. While she enjoyed the story, she said, “You don’t seem to think much of Texans.” I had to point out that John Henry Holliday didn’t think much of Texans. Of course, he was not meeting the cream of...

Doc Holliday Memorial — Smile Train Fund

While researching Dreamers of the Day, I came across a remark by T.E. Lawrence lamenting the fact that his fame was like a tin can tied to his tail. No matter how fast or far he ran, reporters and his reputation always caught up with him. “They’ll rattle...

Washington Post: a rave review!

My own mother wouldn’t have liked the book as much as Ron Charles. You can read  his review for the Washington Post in its glorious entirety, but here are the parts I might have tattooed on my arm: Washington Post Ron Charles reviews ‘Doc’ by Mary Doria Russell...

“No vulgarity of publicity need be shunned.”

Thus wrote Ezra Pound to his parents, urging them to bang the drum for his new poetry collection among their friends and acquaintances. If I were willing to get a tattoo like everyone else, that’s the phrase I’d have inked onto my arm. Instead, I will...