If you have access to Ancestry.com or enjoy digging around in census records, etc., I could use more information about John H. Flood, Jr.

Mr. Flood served as private secretary to Wyatt and Josie Earp in Los Angeles between 1911 and 1944. During those years, he became something like a son to the Earps, who relied on him for financial and legal advice. In the absence of facts, I will feel free to make stuff up but I’d like to honor Mr. Flood’s many years of devotion by recognizing it in the final chapter of Epitaph. Here’s all I know:

John H. Flood, Jr. died at 77 on March 29, 1955 in Germantown PA, which is said to have been “his home town.” That makes his birth year about 1878.

He may have been an orphan: the phrase used is “he had no family,” but that might mean “he never married.” In 1952, he described himself as “a bachelor living in a small cottage in the rear of 2020 Fourth Avenue in Los Angeles.” So he went back to Germantown sometime at the very end of his life.

He was “educated at Bucknell and Yale,” as “an engineer.” I’d love to know what kind of engineer he was, and maybe where he worked in LA.

If you dig something up, please send it to marydoriarussell@gmail.com and I’ll give you credit in the Acknowledgments under the category “Genealogical research.” Thanks!