SPARROW news, and a request

I had very modest expectations when I began writing The Sparrow back in 1992. I never meant it to be a novel. I thought I was trying a short story. It was an experiment. I wanted to see what it was like to create characters, to write dialog, and set a scene. I...

Teeth from Waterloo

A lot of readers have asked me about the reference in Doc to the use of teeth from dead soldiers in dental bridges and plates. Here’s a link!

Take me now, Lord!

Had to share this review of Epitaph for the Dallas Morning News by Allen Barra, the respected author of Inventing Wyatt Earp: his life and many legends. I may have the last sentence tattooed on my arm. Just kidding. I hate tattoos. But… Wow.

Back in the saddle again!

After five weeks of dealing with pertussis, I have advice: if you’re over 50, get a tetenus-diptheria-pertussis booster. Immunity from childhood vaccines evidently wears off after a few decades and the disease is making a big come-back. However, I am well now...