First Day of Chanukah

And here’s the Russell household’s gift to you. Don and I love the NPR show WAIT, WAIT… DON’T TELL ME. We also enjoyed Animal Planet’s show Emergency Vets, which featured Kevin Fitzgerald, DVM. For big laughs, click on this:...

First interview about writing DOC

Last September, I had a grand time with the incoming Honors students at Rutgers University. A journalist named John Connelly asked if he could do a follow-up interview about the new novel. The interview will be published in the Rutgers Review in December, 2010, but...

In defense of Bristol Palin

I deplore anti-intellectualism. I cringe when a somebody brags about “going with my gut” or sneers at smartypants Ph.D. eggheads who think climate change or natural selection are real. Unlike a majority of my fellow citizens, I actually even like that our...

And people wonder where I get my ideas…

People always ask writers where they get their ideas. What I want to know is, where do microbiologists get their ideas? What kind of person looks at a bug and thinks, “Hey, I bet if we isolate protein from a bunch of cockroach brains and sprinkle it on stuff,...

Merely a thread of grace…

Several readers have told me about a N.Y. Times article entitled  “Italy’s Treatment of Jews in World War II is Reconsidered.” I just read the article, and I think it’s fair. Mussolini’s government promulgated anti-semitic race laws in...

I am efforting not to have a stroke.

Okay, this has just got to stop. Twice now, I’ve heard reporters on CNN use effort as a verb, as in, “I’m efforting to find out, Wolf!” No, darling. You are trying to find out. Or, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing,  perhaps you...