Mary’s Excellent West Virginia Adventure

It started like a Stephen King novel. A reader contacted me about my books initially, but we got to emailing about our dogs, and the exchange went on for a few days. I mentioned that I had to go practice piano, and Ms. H asked what I was working on. So I sent a link...

As I said to my girlfriend Susa Bach…

…  writing a blog is like walking on a tightrope above a vat of boiling narcissism. Thanks to all of you who’ve signed up to see if the entertainment value outweighs the wretched self-promotion that authors are expected to do these days! Hoping not to...

A new screen adaptation of The Sparrow

From the beginning, readers have said that The Sparrow is very cinematic. People in Hollywood thought so, too.  Producer Nick Wechsler came close to doing a movie adaptation twice, first with Antonio Banderas at Universal Pictures and most recently with Brad Pitt at...


Welcome to the updated and expanded website for novelist Mary Doria Russell! Her newest novel, DOC, will be published on May 3, 2011, but you can read an excerpt now by clicking on DOC above. Check out MEDIA to listen to radio interviews and podcasts, and to find...