Writer Tech: writing sequels

“Quit teasing us!” That was a message from a reader on my Facebook page this morning. She was kidding (kind of) but many of you seem to enjoy these Natural History of a Novel blogs, so here’s another. I started writing Epitaph in the spring of 2011...

Days of Awe

Jewish life is full of traditions, and this will be one of mine. A year has gone by since the passing of my brother Richard’s fiancee, Jeanne Valentino. Rich wants me to re-post this blog and we both ask you to read it again.

Writing what YOU know

If you have access to Ancestry.com or enjoy digging around in census records, etc., I could use more information about John H. Flood, Jr. Mr. Flood served as private secretary to Wyatt and Josie Earp in Los Angeles between 1911 and 1944. During those years, he became...