Shameless request for support!

I’d appreciate it if you take the time to vote for Epitaph, which is one of thirty books up for the first annual Readers Choice Award from the Ohioana Library Association. There are no categories — fiction, nonfiction, childrens’ lit, etc. are all in...

Trigger warning…

This review is difficult for me to write. It might also be difficult for you to read. Try to imagine, then, how difficult it must have been for Joanna Connors to write I Will Find You. That title is a perfect encapsulation of the book’s theme, structure,...

Writing what YOU know

Once again, I’m turning to you for help with the next novel. An Unremembered Life (yes, new working title) is the story of Annie Clements, who was once known around the world as America’s Joan of Arc. This extraordinary 25-year-old woman was a pivotal...

Sorry to nag, but…

EPITAPH is still in the running for Best Historical Novel in the Goodreads competition. Voting for the semi-final ends Monday evening, Nov. 16. If you’re a member, please vote!

Help me get Sophia Loren’s attention!

A couple of months ago, my brother came up with a wild idea. He decided that Sophia Loren would be great as the 80-year-old action hero of A Thread of Grace, Lidia Leone. So Rich found a public address for Ms. Loren and sent her a copy of the book. Why not, right? Her...