Writer Tech: what price historical accuracy?

With three days left, I won’t make my self-imposed deadline of finishing the first draft of Epitaph by the end of June, but I’m pretty close. Maybe a chapter and a half to go, depending on the decisions I make today. What I’m mulling over this...

Update: How Shallow Am I?

Reader Sherri Byrand got in touch to ask how I’m doing with the diet and exercise since posting  How Shallow Am I? back in March. Well, folks, this afternoon I am wearing jeans I bought five years ago, and my thanks for this go to Paula Roberts. Her Facebook...

Trust me. Just read this book.

If there were any justice in the universe, Karen Joy Fowler would be as rich and famous as people who write tedious pornography or tell stories about boy wizards. Her sales figures do not reach the bazillion mark, but you may know her from The Jane Austen Book Club,...

The “I’m worried about my dog” diet plan!

Want to lose a pound overnight? Just sit all day around, crying and not eating, because you’re sure you’re going to have to put your dog down. Worked for me, although the loss is undoubtedly water weight, given all the weeping. Our dachshund Annie is...

Guest Blog: The Next Big Thing

In a world where even Uma Thurman can get dumped by her husband, it’s hard to take some decisions personally, but you still don’t brag about not being wanted anymore. I kept quiet for a couple of years after Random House dropped me, just days before...