Advice for a novice writer

From the morning email: “Hi Mary! I’m Teri I’m from California. I’m your biggest fan. I’m a novice writer. What is the most important advice you can give to someone who is beginning to write a novel? And why? I hope you are having a great...

Starting another novel

Unremembered Lives is about ready for my agents to send out to publishers. Usually I have a little break between novels, but this time I started the next one almost immediately. It’s a story I’ve thought about telling since before I started writing The...

Jeremy Renner on the DOC/EPITAPH project

Jeremy Renner recently commented on playing Doc in the Palmstar Production based on my two novels, Doc and Epitaph. “I’ve been looking at doing a Doc Holliday origin story as a series for Netflix or Amazon.” Although still in early stages, his focus for it seems...

Every year at this time…

My brother has asked me to repost this blog every year. Jeanne’s grandbaby Brinn is now in kindergarden and has a beautiful little brother. Days of Awe September 26, 2012 According to Jewish tradition, the ten days starting with Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Years)...