by Mary | Feb 1, 2018 | DOC, EPITAPH, Wyatt Earp
When I base characters on real people, I pay particular attention to their childhood. I believe our first fourteen years are the basis of much of what comes afterward. We build on a solid foundation, or we spend years trying to repair the damage, or we wander in the...
by Mary | Oct 8, 2017 | DOC, Doc Holliday, EPITAPH
Jeremy Renner recently commented on playing Doc in the Palmstar Production based on my two novels, Doc and Epitaph. “I’ve been looking at doing a Doc Holliday origin story as a series for Netflix or Amazon.” Although still in early stages, his focus for it seems...
by Mary | Sep 15, 2017 | An Unremembered Life, DOC, Just for fun!, THE SPARROW, The Sparrow movie, THE SPARROW on AMC
I’ve been in lock-down for the past three months: finishing the first complete draft of Unremembered Lives, doing the first five editing passes through the manuscript, sending it out for comments, re-editing, fixing errors, filling in, filling out,...
by Mary | Jun 14, 2017 | DOC, Natural History of a Novel, THE SPARROW, Unremembered Lives, Writer Tech
A week ago, I got to the final scene of my work-in-progress. It is complete, which is to say, it’s got a coherent plot with a beginning, a middle, and an end. My elevator pitch for Unremembered Lives is “a Romeo and Juliet story set against the backdrop of...
by Mary | May 3, 2017 | DOC, DOC on HBO, EPITAPH, THE SPARROW, The Sparrow movie, THE SPARROW on AMC, WYATT
Last summer, I signed an option with PalmStar Productions for a screen adaptation of Doc and Epitaph. So much time had gone by with no news, I was starting to wonder if they’d dropped the project, but yesterday an announcement appeared in a number of outlets, so...
by Mary | May 24, 2016 | DOC, EPITAPH
A while back, I posted about what might well be a photograph of Doc Holliday taken shortly before his death from tuberculosis. Whoever that poor soul really was, his neck is neatly wrapped in white cloth. It was not a fashion statement; it was a bandage. It covered...